23 dic 2011

Life should be simple

I've been thinking about our whole existence on earth and our ways to deal with it.

I still don't know the meaning of life
(and I wouldn't like to unsheathe that secret so early -It would make everything else boring)
I've come to some conclusions. Here they are

Life is simple:
- Always have someone to hug
- If you like somebody, let them know
- If you don't like something, change it.
- If you don't know how to change it, talk about it. You can't pretend people to know what bothers you if you don't tell them.
- If you love, don't fear rejection.
- The right thing is always what you think is right.
- There is no one like you. Never try to be somebody else or you'll lose originality.
- You always know the right way. This happens because it's your journey.
- Be wild and explore as much as you can.
- People are friendly to whom are friendly to them.
- We are all a part of the same thing.
and beyond it all, once again,

- Always have someone to hug.

Quote del día: "Se me pegó una canción que se llama "Que me crezca el pito". Me quiero matar, no la quiero cantar por miedo a que algún hada me escuche y de repente me despierte con un coso" By (unamujer)

18 dic 2011

Me caíste mal.

Me caíste mal demasiado tarde.
después de haber entrado a mi sistema,
te pude sentir mas allá del envoltorio
y fuiste ácido, corrosivo, tóxico.

Mi alma hambrienta
no supo ver
el contenido.
Mi cuerpo calló
y calló
y calló
hasta que no pudo callar más.

El rechazo generado
fue grande
no soy capaz de asimilar nada
que rime con tu nombre.

Me caíste pésimo
sos malo para mí.
tus ingredientes destruyen mi interior.

Si estuvieras en mi panza
te vomitaría de inmediato.

Pero no,
el corazón no vomita
el corazón aprende.

Yo aprendí
y mi corazón aprendió.
a no mirarte a los ojos
nunca más.

Quote del día: "Mi vieja tiene un telo. Yo vivo del amor!" By mrsgenia.