27 may 2012

Looking for a place called home.

Viajar. Volar. Escapar según algunos.
Conocer, mirar, aprender -APRENDER, nutrirse, abrir, conocer.
Hablar con gente, escuchar, entender, comprender, atar los cabos en mi cabeza.

El mundo es algo que me alucina como nada en esta vida.
La cantidad de culturas, idiomas, personas, gustos, hábitos y rutinas.

Que en algunos países se cene a las 19horas y en otros a las 22.
Que los volantes del auto estén del lado derecho.
Que los bancos no roben plata.
Que la gente piense en otro idioma.
Que haya montañas en la ciudad.

Tengo unas ganas de aprender de tantas cosas que da calambre pensarlo.

La vida es vida en tanto que uno se despierte con una razón para vivirla.
Y ésa es la mía.
No vuelvo más.

Quote del día:"Never give up on something that you can´t go a single day without thinking about" By random Twitter guy

14 may 2012

Say you don´t need them
Say it.

Fuck you,
you are lying.
everybody needs
a hug


11 may 2012

YES, this one goes in english

People keep on asking me
Because fuck you.
Because I don´t understand
why people

NO. Argentina is not where I belong.
Things don´t change,
I can´t be free
get over that you hippies.

I can´t rent
I can´t share rent
I can´t even buy a fucking table for less than half my salary.
that is  108 hours of work.
for a fucking table.
wood and cloves. Old. Used.
Not a cool table. Just a fucking table.

I don´t want much.
I just like to go to concerts
and enjoy open doors.

That´s why I studied a fucking career
and go to an office every day
stay till night
sell my soul
to the ones who give cars and fucking computers
as birthday presents.

Yes I do have Ideas
and yes I do make them happen
you need money for every fucking thing
Yes I do go talk to people
No they can´t help.

I hate the world today,
sorry ´bout that.