11 may 2012

YES, this one goes in english

People keep on asking me
Because fuck you.
Because I don´t understand
why people

NO. Argentina is not where I belong.
Things don´t change,
I can´t be free
get over that you hippies.

I can´t rent
I can´t share rent
I can´t even buy a fucking table for less than half my salary.
that is  108 hours of work.
for a fucking table.
wood and cloves. Old. Used.
Not a cool table. Just a fucking table.

I don´t want much.
I just like to go to concerts
and enjoy open doors.

That´s why I studied a fucking career
and go to an office every day
stay till night
sell my soul
to the ones who give cars and fucking computers
as birthday presents.

Yes I do have Ideas
and yes I do make them happen
you need money for every fucking thing
Yes I do go talk to people
No they can´t help.

I hate the world today,
sorry ´bout that.

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